Thursday, March 7, 2013

Picture books - Tuesday

Wiesner, David. (1991). Tuesday. New York: Clarion Books.

Tuesday, A Caldecott Medal Award winning book, is a book that peaks the reader's imagination through its vivid illustrations and few words. The events in the story take place in an unspecified community in the United States of America on a Tuesday. It could be your community on any given Tuesday.

As the sun sets on Tuesday evening, the reader can see by the expression on a turtle's face that something is diffferent about this Tuesday evening. As the reader turns the page it becomes obvious what is troubling the turtle; frogs sitting upon flying lilypads.

Words are not necessary in order for the reader to understand the adventures or the feelings that the frogs are experiencing. The expressions on the frogs' faces tell the story as they chase birds,  become superheros, change the TV channels using their tongues, and more--all while the town is sleeping.

As dawn breaks the frogs return to their pond and life continues...until next Tuesday!

This book could be used with any age level in many capacities. Because it is mostly illustrations, teaching the importance of illustrations is the most obvious use. It could be used witih younger or struggling readers. These students could dictate in their own words the story. Then they could read their own words,thus increasing their reading abilities using their own language and word usage. Tuesday could be usedwith older students to prompt their own creative writing ideas.

I chose this book because I wanted to compare several works by David Wiesner who has several award winning books.

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